mCLASS is a universal screener that measures the development of reading skills of all students in grades K/1 through two main assessments: Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) and the Text Reading Comprehension (TRC) assessments. This assessment is given to kindergarten and first grade and acts as our Dyslexia Screeners. TEA Early Childhood Education
2nd Grade Semester Assessment
These assessments in Reading and Math for second grade will help ensure alignment to instruction in the classroom. Also, these will help students and teachers learn and know the rigor of questioning they will be expected to have for future STAAR exams.
3-8 Common District Assessments (CDA's)
The purpose of the Common District Assessment is to change instruction based on the analysis of the assessment and for teachers to monitor student growth. CDA 1 and 2 will take the place of Benchmark 1 and 2 to assess Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 on higher level STAAR type questions.
HS Semester Exams
Semester exams are designed to align instruction throughout the year to the rigor of the exams. Exams are also given to align high school expectations to the expectations of college courses in order to better prepare students for future college success. Exams should be cumulative, higher rigor, and open ended in nature.
- K-8 Reading
- K-8 Math, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry
- 6-7 Science
The purpose of the NWEA Maps (Measures of Academic Progress) is to measure growth of a student’s math and ELAR knowledge over the long term success of the student. This assessment is adaptable from year to year and provides detailed reports to drive instructional decisions for each child based on state standards. Maps assessment should take between 45 and 60 minutes in order to achieve their Zone of Proximal development and receive a RIT score based on 40-53 questions. The RIT (Ready for Instruction Today) score provides a measurement that places all students on the same scale. This assessment also has a 92% accuracy rate on STAAR and ACT/SAT predictions.
Benchmark I & II
The Benchmark is to assess students in STAAR-like conditions and provide a released assessment for the students to practice their endurance and ability to complete the assessment to the best of their ability. The data will be analyzed and provide the teacher the data necessary to fill TEKS based gaps on their functional level and provide reteaching opportunities. This is also the perfect opportunity to make sure that all accommodations are appropriately assigned to students.
The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) is an assessment program designed to measure the extent to which students have learned and are able to apply the knowledge and skills defined in the state-mandated curriculum standards, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
The TSI Assessment (TSIA) is part of the Texas Success Initiative enacted by the Texas State Legislature and designed to determine a student’s readiness for college-level coursework in the general areas of reading, writing, and mathematics.
The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) measures what students learn in school, determine if students are on track for college success, and open doors for opportunities to prepare and pay for college. The PSAT/NMSQT is given to 11th graders in October.
The SAT® is the College Board’s flagship college and career readiness assessment. For nearly a century, it has been used successfully worldwide in combination with factors such as high school GPA to assess student preparedness for and to predict student success in post-secondary education. UA offers the SAT to 11th graders in the Spring semester.
The PreACT® is an assessment offered to 10th grade in the Spring semester. It is an early experience with ACT test items, provides a predicted ACT test score, and offers a wealth of information to help students get the start they need to be college ready.
The ACT® test motivates students to perform to their best ability. Test scores reflect what students have learned throughout high school and provide colleges and universities with excellent information for recruiting, advising, placement, and retention. UA offers the ACT to 11th graders in the Spring semester.
This test is optional and is offered each year to students in grades 10, 11 and 12. The ASVAB CEP will help your student learn about different careers and interest. One of the ASVAB scores is the military entrance score.
The Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) assessment assesses the progress that Emergent Bilingual (EB) students, also referred to as English learners (ELs), make in learning the English language.
Credit By Exam
The Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.023, allows students in primary grades to accelerate a grade level and students in secondary academic courses to earn credit for a course on the basis of credit by examination. Students are allowed to take each test only once during each test period. Please refer to the UTTUA Student Handbook for additional information. UTTUA will offer testing in each of the following quarterly testing windows:
- January 1-March 31
- April 1- June 30
- July 1- September 30
- October 1- December 31
If you are interested or have questions, please contact Mrs. Kathy Parker, Academic Counselor, for further information. Registration forms must be completed at least 30 days in advance of testing.